1. Installing RVM
Ruby Version Manager is a great tool for isolating your development environment to each individual project. This allows you to have specific ruby versions with specific gemsets isolated from the rest of your development environment, virtually eliminating any potential conflicts. Although not absolutely required to use Rails or Ruby, RVM will greatly reduce headaches with managing ruby. To learn more about RVM, visit the RVM homepage.
Luckily, RVM provides an install script that we can download and execute with a single command. This command will download the latest code from the github repository, so you need to have git and curl installed on the system. If you are using a recent linux distro like Ubuntu 11.10, then you might already have git and curl installed. If not, execute the following command:
>$ sudo apt-get install git curl |
Start the RVM installation by running this command:
>$ bash -s stable < <(curl -s https: //raw .github.com /wayneeseguin/rvm/master/binscripts/rvm-installer ) |